Music with Feeling – amarosa lesbiana
“Daily Mail” “Elizabeth Smillie” Renfrewshire
Kinky Teacher No. 13582
“Daily Mail” “Kevin Thomas” “White knickers”
Kinky Teacher No. 13583
“Eleanor Wilson” “in a plane” “back was against the wall” “Daily Mail”
Music with Feeling – reprise
Daily Mail “Laurie Softley” Choir Derbyshire
Knicker news from Notts
Daily Mail M&S “window display”
Newer readers may be interested to know that Nottinghamshire is home to our distinguished members Another_Lurker, Brian@notts.com and Happy Lurker.
Despite my wholehearted support for the feminist cause I shall not be visiting the M&S store to complain about the window display described in your above link. The city centre is a dreadful place! No parking, trams everywhere, soul destroying pedestrian areas full of people with a mobile phone to each ear and one-way streets that never go the way you want to go.
Our former and sadly missed contributor Declan used to visit it regularly to report on the state of schoolgirl school uniform regulation conformance and to pick up the latest information on naughtiness at pub ‘Skooldaze’ nights from his network of bar-maid informants.
Alas news of the latter events never reached him in time for his readers to attend them. Without the enticing prospect of re-living my ‘skooldaze’ by bending over to be whacked with a bamboo stick by a mini-skirted female ‘prefect’ the worse for alcohol there was nothing to tempt me into the city centre then, and there is even less now.
May I please appeal to readers not to attempt to contact me at the email address you give above. My attempts to buy the domain name were thwarted as it had already been purchased and is held anonymously by registrant and ISP GoDaddy. It does not appear to be in use currently but it would be very sad were it to be activated only for the user’s in-box to be swamped with congratulatory and ‘more, more, please more’ emails from habitués of this Forum.
Another_Lurker will be blissfully unaware that many of our readers will not have attended a school where flagellation with long whippy canes wielded by drunken mini-skirted female prefects was an everyday event and, like him, nor will they have attended the ‘skooldaze’ events mentioned in his above post.

For their benefit an idea of this type of event may be got by visiting the page here on the excellent Corpun site and watching the video thereon in which several scenes of a similar event are inter-cut with other material relevant to this Forum.
Included in said other material are scenes at the Rodney School, Nottinghamshire, where Another_Lurker was nearly but not quite sent as a boarder as a little lad in short trousers. The then headmistress Ms Joan Thomas was still in charge at the time of the video, in which she appears several times. She too was notorious for inflicting flagellation with long whippy canes. It is not know if she donned a mini-skirt for this purpose. Most unlikely at the time the juvenile Another_Lurker might very beneficially have been so flagellated but unfortunately wasn’t, because in the early 1950s mini-skirts hadn’t been invented.
Daily Mail France.Parents will be banned from smacking children
I fear that you accidentally omitted the words “for the umpteenth time” from your above note on proposed French legislation regarding parental smacking.
Due to the Tapatalk conversion process from Network54 which was unable to tell an HTML DIV from a FRAME and wasn’t anyway equipped to deal with either, my post here on 13 September 2017 now appears unintelligible. However those who are able to read HTML/CSS Page Source will be able to see that what it said in part was:
“I greatly admire the French. They do not abandon what they see as their ancient rights without a fight. If national government annoys them they not only take to the streets, they block the roads and bring the country to a halt. If local government offends they are quite likely to burn down the town hall.
As a consequence their legislators are masters of smoke and mirrors, appearing to do something without actually doing it and upsetting the population. Had we adopted their attitude to the EU and the ECHR and their masses of unnecessary and annoying legislation our vote on continued EU membership would have had a very different result. Indeed, it would never have happened.
An illustration of this sensible and practical approach to law making is the French ban on parental smacking of children extensively publicised in the press in the UK and elsewhere at the end of 2016. In fact it didn’t actually ban parental smacking at all and anyway for good measure it was promptly struck down by France’s top court, the Constitutional Council, on technical grounds and declared procedurally unconstitutional. The latter however was not reported very much at all outside France.”
I confidently predict a similar fate for the new proposal.
Daily Mail. Mother donned boots and underwear to spank her son. Gloucester. “Simon Burch”